Elevate your team's performance

Team Reward is your go-to solution for fostering a high-performance culture within your organization by offering real-time recognition and rewards for task completion and performance.

In today’s competitive business landscape, keeping employees motivated and engaged is more important than ever. A robust employee reward system can drive performance, boost morale, and enhance overall productivity.


of HR Leaders say an employee recognition program helps employee engagement.


employee recognition programs help companies increase their profit margin.


of employees are more likely to repeat actions that receive recognition and rewards.


of employees say they would work harder if they were better recognized.


of HR Managers agree recognition helps towards creating a strong brand.


of employees are more likely to stay at incentivised workplaces.

Integrating rewards as part of your organization culture from when an employee steps into your organization as a new hire to when they exit is a big part of creating an experience that your people not only enjoy but are eager to commit to every day.


RewardClan helps startups celebrate quick wins, keeping teams motivated to innovate and push boundaries, essential for rapid growth.


For SMEs, RewardClan integrates recognition into daily operations, boosting team morale, enhancing productivity, and supporting scaling efforts.

Large corporations

RewardClan ensures consistent recognition across large teams, aligning performance with company-wide goals, fostering a culture of excellence and continuous improvement.

Performance-based rewards

Reward the tangibles with performance rewards

Performance-based rewards are designed to recognize and reward employees based on their achievement of specific goals and targets. This system focuses on measurable outcomes, such as sales targets, project completion, and customer satisfaction scores.

Reward individuals who meet or exceed sales goals.

Recognize the successful completion of projects.

Acknowledge outstanding customer service efforts.

Point-based rewards

Reward the intangibles with point rewards

Point-based rewards offer a flexible and dynamic way to recognize and motivate employees. Points can be awarded for various contributions, such as innovation, collaboration, and leadership. Points are awarded and redeemed offline.

Award points for innovative ideas.

Recognize team members who show leadership.

Reward those who excel in teamwork.


Team members work towards specific goals, and rewards are given when they meet or exceed these predefined targets.


Team members accumulate points over time, with rewards based on their cumulative point average.


Team members can award each other badges to recognize contributions through peer-to-peer recognition.


Team Reward has transformed our employee engagement strategy. With the ability to reward achievements on a task-by-task basis, we've seen a noticeable boost in motivation and performance across our teams. It’s streamlined our recognition process, allowing us to celebrate successes in real-time rather than waiting for annual reviews. Our staff feels more valued and driven, which has directly impacted our productivity and company culture.

Adeola Ojo
Head of People,
Grovane Advisory, Lagos

Implementing Team Reward has been a game-changer for our operations. The platform's ability to track performance and award points for both routine tasks and exceptional initiatives has kept our teams focused and competitive. The real-time leaderboard adds a healthy dose of competition, which has significantly improved our project completion rates.

Jennifer Clarke
Director of Operations,
Energy Company, Canada
Automated events

Ensure every special important moment is remembered with the Automated Rewards feature. From birthdays to work anniversaries and key milestones, automatically deliver personalized messages and rewards directly to employees' emails, fostering a culture of appreciation and celebration effortlessly.

Performance tracker

Performance Tracker allows team managers to review historical performance data for individuals and teams, comparing actual outcomes to benchmarks and peers in similar roles.

Coming soon
KPI & appraisal

While creating a task, indicate if the task is part of a KPI or other performance metric. Team Reward will provide detailed insights during performance appraisals, helping managers assess employee performance against their KPIs.

Coming soon

Get access to a network of competent and skilled professionals within the RewardClan community, with similar expertise or experience to your teams active tasks. Individuals are matched to help your team be more productive without the need to hire another employee.

Optimize your reward programs for success

Let RewardClan transform how your reward your people and customers for taking actions that matter the most to your business.
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