Terms of Service

Last updated - August 1, 2024

Welcome to RewardClan, where we partner with you to enhance employee and customer recognition through innovative and impactful rewards. By accessing or using our services, you become an integral part of our mission and consent to be bound by these terms of use. Please read them carefully.

Acceptance of Terms

These Terms of Use constitute a legally binding agreement between you and RewardClan. By accessing or using our services in any manner, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with these terms, you must refrain from accessing or using our services. You acknowledge and agree that RewardClan may occasionally update these Terms of Use to ensure the best service for you. The updates are transparent without prior notice, and the revised terms take effect on the posting date. It is your responsibility to review these terms periodically for any changes. Your continued use of our services after posting updated terms implies that you agree to be bound by the new terms.

Additionally, you agree to comply with any additional terms that may apply to specific services you use within RewardClan. The additional terms will be made available on this page in conjunction with the applicable services and incorporated by reference into these Terms of Use.

By accepting these terms, you represent and warrant that you have the legal authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of yourself or the entity you represent. Suppose you are accessing our services for a company or other legal entity. In that case, you affirm that you have the authority of that entity to enter into this agreement. You must have the authority of that entity to enter into this agreement or agree with these terms of use to access or use Rewardclan's services.

Description of Service

RewardClan offers a comprehensive rewards and recognition platform designed to enhance engagement, satisfaction, and retention for both employees and customers. Our platform enables businesses to create and manage customizable reward programs that align with their values and objectives. Integration with existing HR and CRM systems ensures a seamless incorporation of our services into current operations.

Our platform provides advanced analytics and reporting tools to monitor engagement levels, assess the effectiveness of reward programs, and gain insights into satisfaction. We facilitate employee recognition by offering tools to acknowledge achievements and milestones, fostering a positive work environment and supporting retention.

Our services aim to increase engagement by providing meaningful and personalized recognition, enhance satisfaction through timely and relevant rewards, and reduce turnover by promoting a culture of appreciation. By leveraging RewardClan, businesses can build a more engaged, satisfied, and loyal workforce and customer base.

User's responsibility

Creating an account to access RewardClan’s services is a crucial step. It requires you to provide accurate, complete, and up-to-date information during registration. This information is your responsibility to keep current and accurate, and to update as necessary. You are responsible for ensuring the continuous confidentiality of your account credentials and any activity conducted under your account. Notify us promptly if you suspect any suspicious or unauthorized account use.

Using Rewardclan’s services requires you to adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and company policies. This means your use of the services should not violate any local, state, national, or international laws, or infringe upon the rights of others. You must not engage in any activities that could interfere with or disrupt the functioning of Rewardclan’s services or the experience of other users. This includes but is not limited to attempting to gain unauthorized access to any part of our platform, transmitting malicious software, or engaging in harassment or abuse.

Prohibited uses

You agree to use RewardClan’s services only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms of Use. Engaging in any fraudulent activity or identity theft is prohibited. You must not conduct actions that could harm RewardClan, disrupt its services, or interfere with other users' experiences, such as introducing malicious software or engaging in harassment.

Unauthorized access to any part of our platform, bypassing security measures, or using automated tools to extract data is not allowed. The use of RewardClan’s services to infringe upon others' intellectual property rights is prohibited. Misusing information obtained through our services for unethical or unauthorized purposes is also forbidden. Any violation of these terms may result in the suspension or termination of your account.

Intellectual property

RewardClan retains all rights, title, and interest in and to the services, including all associated intellectual property rights. This encompasses all content, logos, designs, and features. The intellectual property rights associated with RewardClan’s services are protected by trademark, copyright, and other intellectual property laws.

Usage of our services grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to access and use the platform strictly by these Terms of Use. This license is granted solely for personal use and may not be publicly distributed. It does not include any right to modify, reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from any content or materials provided by RewardClan.

It is of utmost importance that you do not copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, transmit, display, or perform any part of our intellectual property without prior written permission from RewardClan. The unauthorized use of this platform may result in legal action. Please remember that the license granted to you does not grant any ownership rights or other intellectual property rights beyond what is expressly stated in these Terms.

Subscription and fees

RewardClan offers a range of subscription plans to cater to different business needs. Our platform includes a free plan that provides basic functionality and allows users to experience the features of RewardClan with limitations. This plan enables potential users to evaluate the platform and determine if it meets their needs

Our premium subscription plan is the ideal choice for businesses that require enhanced capabilities and unrestricted access. This plan offers unlimited functionality and a range of additional features that are not available in the free plan. When you subscribe, you'll find detailed descriptions of each plan, including the features and pricing associated with the premium plan. Payment for the premium plan is due as specified in the subscription details to activate and maintain access to the full range of features. Please note that all payments are non-refundable except as required by law.

The subscription fees are subject to change. You will be notified of any changes beforehand. Continued use of the services after such changes implies acceptance of the new fees and terms.


You may close and terminate access to RewardClan’s services anytime by contacting us directly at [email protected]. Upon receiving your termination request, we will process it promptly, and your access to the services will be terminated immediately. It is important to note that terminating your account will result in losing access to all data and features associated with it, and any remaining subscription fees or charges will be non-refundable.

RewardClan reserves the right to suspend or terminate your account or access to our services at any time, with or without cause or prior notice. Measures may be taken if we believe your use of the services violates these Terms of Use, harms other users, or adversely affects RewardClan or its partners. Termination of your account by RewardClan may also occur if there is a failure to comply with payment obligations or if we determine that continued access would be detrimental to the integrity of our services.

In the event of termination, whether initiated by you or by RewardClan, you remain responsible for any fees or charges incurred before the effective termination date. RewardClan is not liable for any data loss or disruptions resulting from the termination of your account. Any provisions of these Terms of Use that, by their nature, should survive termination, including but not limited to limitations of liability and intellectual property rights, will remain in effect following termination.

Limitation of liability

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, RewardClan, its affiliates, directors, employees, and agents shall not be liable for any incidental, consequential or indirect damages. These damages may include, but are not limited to, loss of data, revenues, profit, use, or other intangible losses, arising from or related to your use or inability to use the services, even if RewardClan has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Our total liability for any claims arising from or related to your use of the services is fair and reasonable. It is limited to the amount you have paid to RewardClan for the specific service that gave rise to the claim in the twelve (12) months preceding the claim. This means that any claims beyond this twelve-month period will not be considered. This limitation of liability applies to all claims, whether based on contract, tort, or any legal theory.

RewardClan makes no warranties or representations regarding the reliability, availability, or accuracy of the services. However, we want to reassure you that we are committed to providing the best service possible. We disclaim all implied warranties, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. This means that we do not guarantee that the services will be uninterrupted or error-free, and we are not responsible for any disruptions or errors in the services.

Some jurisdictions do not allow certain damages or warranties to be excluded, so the above limitations may not apply to you. In such cases, we want to make it clear that RewardClan's liability shall be limited to the fullest extent permitted by law. We believe in transparency and want you to be fully informed about our stance on liability in different jurisdictions.

Disputes resolution

Any disputes or claims arising from or relating to these Terms of Use or using RewardClan’s services shall be resolved through informal negotiation and direct communication. This initial effort is intended to allow both parties to address the issue amicably and potentially reach a mutually agreeable resolution without formal proceedings.

Arbitration shall be the next step if the parties cannot resolve the dispute through such informal means within a reasonable time frame. This arbitration process is designed to provide a streamlined, efficient resolution method while reducing the potential for lengthy and costly litigation. Each party will be responsible for its own costs and legal fees, although the arbitrator may award costs and fees as deemed appropriate based on the rules and circumstances of the dispute.

You and RewardClan agree to arbitrate any disputes individually and not to consolidate or join any arbitration with the claims of any other party. This means that disputes will be resolved solely between you and RewardClan, and you waive any right to participate in a class action or similar collective legal proceeding

However, if the arbitration clause is unenforceable or a dispute qualifies for small claims court, you or RewardClan may choose to bring the dispute before a small claims court. This option allows for resolving minor claims in a more accessible and informal setting.

By agreeing to these Terms of Use, you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the arbitration process or small claims court as outlined, and you acknowledge that this process provides a fair and efficient resolution mechanism for any disputes related to these Terms or our services.

If you have any questions about this Terms of Use, please contact us at:

Email: [email protected]

By using RewardClan’s services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use.

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