Streamline task management to boost productivity

With RewardClan, discover how you can empower your team with a platform that aligns goals, tracks progress and celebrates achievements seamlessly.

Increase prodcutivity

Task Management ensures that every team member knows exactly what is expected of them, reducing downtime and enhancing focus. This clarity leads to faster task completion and higher overall productivity.

Increase motivation

By linking tasks to rewards, whether performance-based or points-based, team members are continuously motivated to meet and exceed expectations. This leads to a more engaged and driven workforce.

Tailored recognition

The ability to customize rewards means that recognition is meaningful and impactful, resonating with each team member’s unique preferences and driving sustained high performance.

Points vs performance tasks

When creating a task, you can choose between a performance-based or points-based task. Performance-based tasks are ideal for objectives with specific numerical targets, like sales numbers, lead counts, or revenue generated within a set period. For tasks without clear numerical goals, such as boosting social media engagement, fostering team innovation, or timely debugging, points-based tasks are the better choice


Award points for innovative ideas.


Recognize team members who show leadership.


Reward individuals who meet or exceed sales goals.


Acknowledge outstanding customer service efforts.


Individual and team tasks

When setting up tasks, you have the flexibility to assign either individual or team-based tasks. Individual tasks are designed for specific team members, focusing on personal goals and achievements, ensuring accountability and personalized rewards. Team-based tasks, on the other hand, encourage collaboration and collective effort, with rewards distributed based on the team's overall performance.


Automatic update reminders via email and in-app.


Real-time performance analytics and historic data

Track and display real-time performance rankings for both individual and team-based tasks.
Team members can easily submit progress updates on their tasks, attach relevant files, documents or images.
Add team members
Simplify the task assignment process by adding team members directly via a link or email invitation.
Ready to turbocharge your reward programs? Getting started is simple.
Create an account

Create your RewardClan account and choose the plan that suits your business needs.

Create a task

Use the intuitive task creation form to setup a new task, add deadlines, update frequency and more.

Assign task

Add teams to a task or assign individuals by inviting them with their email address or sharing a task link.

Monitor and appraise

Once the task is live, team members can start giving update and getting feedback on their submissions.

Optimize your reward programs for success

Let RewardClan transform how your reward your people and customers for taking actions that matter the most to your business.
Create an account
Create an account